free state

suomi-englanti sanakirja

free state englannista suomeksi

  1. vapaa osavaltio

  1. Substantiivi

  2. vapaavaltio

  3. osavaltio

free state englanniksi

  1. Free State

  1. A political entity whose political status is less than that of a fully sovereign nation-state, as with the former Free State and the former Free State.

  2. A Federal state, with allegiance to a larger entity, as currently with Germany, and earlier, the relationship between the states of the Roman Empire and the (w), and later, the states of the (w) under the (w).

  3. An independent or autonomous political entity whose formal status and relationship to other states is undefined.

  4. A republic or commonwealth, as with the former Free State, and especially as used for the current United Kingdom to refer to the Commonwealth period under Cromwell|Cromwell.

  5. A condition of not being supported or constrained by outside forces.

  6. (ux)

  7. Before the Civil War, any of the states in which the owning of slaves was not legal.

  8. A noun form in Afroasiatic languages contrasting with the (l) by the noun not being (l) (q), or (l) if the specific language contrasts a (l) with the construct state.